Interesting Facts!

  • A person can live without food for a month, but a person can live without water for only a week.
  • 80% of the human brain is filled with water.
  • Human body weight is about 60% of water.
  • 90% of wastewater in developing countries is discharged into rivers or streams without any treatment. Due to this issue, about 1.8 million children die due to diarrhoea.

Here are some health benefits of  drinking water 

    We all know that drinking water regularly and keeping our body hydrated all the time is very good for your health. It is most common to hear that water is the best medicine for all the health-related issues.
    Approximately two-thirds of the adult human body is filled with water and your body tissues and organs are mainly made up of water. Your brain is made up of 80% of water, your muscles including your heart contain 75% of water, your blood is filled with 83% of water, your lungs contains 90% of water, your skin contains 64% of water and even your bone also contains 30% of water. So it is very important to think of water as a nutrient to your body. Water is mainly important for three functions of our body they are, 
  • Flushing out the waste from your body. 
  • Regulating your body temperature.
  • Help your brain to function very actively.

Water helps your body to remove the waste and toxins

    Frequent body intake enables your body to excrete waste through perspiration, urination and defecation. It also helps your kidneys to remove the waste from your blood and keep the blood vessels that run into your kidney open and filter them out. If your body is dehydrated, your body pulls water from your stools to maintain hydration, leaving your colon dry and making it more difficult to pass waste.  
    Water helps your body to prevent constipation and by drinking the water adequately it helps to remove the bad toxins from your body and helps to keep our body hydrated and healthy.

Water helps your brain to function actively

    Since your brain is mostly filled with water, drinking it helps you in improving the concentration and cognition. Water helps you to balance your mood, emotions and it also helps in reducing stress.

    Water helps in maintaining memory function. It also increases the blood flow and sends oxygen to your brain. By keeping your body hydrated it helps in preventing and relieving headaches.

Water helps your body in weight loss


    Drinking water helps you to lose weight and water will act as an effective appetite suppressant so that you will feel fuller and makes you eat less. 

    Drinking plenty of water also prevents fluid retention, because your body won't try to retain water if it's getting enough and it also helps in managing your carvings which helps you in weight loss.  

Water helps your skin to glow

    Your skin contains more water and it functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. By drinking plenty of water it helps to hydrate the skin cells and plumps them up, and makes your face to look younger.

    Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes your skin and increases the elasticity of your skin. It flushes out the impurities, improves blood circulation and helps your skin to glow.

Water helps to protect your tissues, spinal cord and joints

    Water keeps the tissues in your body moist and by keeping your body hydrated it helps to retain the optimum level of moisture in the sensitive areas like eyes, nose and mouth.

    Water helps to protect the spinal cord and it acts as a lubricant and cushion for your bone joints.

Water aids in the digestion of food

    Water is very important for the healthy digestion of your body. Water helps in breaking down the food you eat and it allows the nutrients to be absorbed by your body.

    Water helps to dissolve waste particles and passes them smoothly through your digestive tract. So make sure that after having food give a break for 30 minutes have enough water so that your body will be hydrated and water helps in digesting your food as fast as possible.

 Researchers have found that by drinking a large glass of cool water will increase your metabolism by 24 to 30% for up to 90 minutes. Therefore by keeping your body hydrated helps your body to be very healthy and active, so drink at least 4 to 5 litres of water per day and keep yourself healthy.

    The above mentioned are some of the important health benefits of water. and I hope this information will be helpful for you all.  

Reference: Health magazine