Interesting facts about the water we drink!

  • Human Brain is made up of 70 per cent of water.
  • A person can live about a month without food, but a person can't live without water for more than a week.


How to boost-up your immune system


    Nowadays the surroundings we live are not safe, lots of bacteria and virus starts spreading and infecting our immune system. So we should take care of our health and hygiene by having some of the natural and healthy foods. There are some foods which we can take regularly in our daily diet that helps to boost our immune system.
    Some of the basic lifestyle tips to increase your immune system are, 
  • Choose a healthy lifestyle.
  • Never compromise your sleep. At least sleep regularly for (7 to 8 hours) at night.
  • Manage your stress by reading books or by hearing songs (which I personally do).

Here are some of the foods which I used to add in my daily diet to boost my immune system. 


    It's easy to add a little of Vitamin C in your daily food. Here are some fruits which you can add daily to your meal such as Lemon, Orange and Grape.    
    Fruits especially citrus fruits helps to build immunity in your body. Citrus fruits contain Vitamin C, this fights against the virus and helps to increase the white blood cells in your body. The white blood cells are the key to fight against the infections.


    Broccoli is a green vegetable that is closely related to cauliflower which resembles a miniature tree. It is one of the healthiest vegetables when compared to any other since it contains lot off vitamins and minerals.
    Broccoli is rich in Vitamin A, C and E as well as fibre and many other antioxidants which help to boost up your immune system. It has a lot of health benefits such as cholesterol reduction, reduces inflammation and improves bone strength.


    Garlic is a plant from the onion family that is grown for its typical taste and health benefits. It is most commonly used in every cuisine in the world. It is low in calories but rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Manganese and it adds active compounds to the food and its one of the best thing to fight against viral infections.
    Garlic as a significant impact on reducing blood pressure, so it can be added regularly in our daily food. It contains antioxidants which improve cholesterol levels and helps in building up your immunity.  


    Ginger is a flowering plant widely used as a spice or a medicine. It is loaded with antioxidants which helps to fight against viral infections and boost your immunity. It improves digestion and relieves nausea.
    Ginger mainly helps to reduce the sore throat, inflammatory illness, decrease chronic pain and helps in lowering cholesterol.
    Ginger can be used in daily food in a small amount which can turn your salad, main course, juice into a delicious, lively culinary delight. Ginger can cause a warming effect in your body and helps in releases of Mucus.   


    Turmeric is a member of the ginger family commonly used as a  spice in most of the dishes, But it is also known for its medicinal purposes. It contains curcumin, which is a natural anti-inflammatory compound with powerful antioxidant properties. 
    Turmeric is a traditional Indian system of treatment for various health conditions like skin diseases, wounds, digestive ailments and liver conditions. Turmeric is also used as a disinfectant to fight against germs and viral infections. Some of the healthy and delicious recipes are turmeric milk, mango turmeric smoothie. 

Black pepper:

    Black Pepper is one of the most commonly used spices which are dried from Vine piper nigrum and it has a sharp and spicy flavour that goes well with many dishes. Black Pepper is known as "King of Spices" and is used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years due to its high concentration of potent anti-oxidant called piperine, which helps to prevent the free radical damage to your cells.
    Black Pepper contains an active compound that decreases inflammations, improves blood sugar control, lowers cholesterol and boost your immunity. It helps to warm your body and promotes sweating which helps to get rid of the body toxins.


    Almond is a tree nut and one of the superfoods which are highly rich in Protein, Vitamin E, Monounsaturated fats and Fiber. It has a lot of anti-oxidants which prevents and fights against the viruses. It is good to take soaked almonds in the morning.
    It has fat-soluble vitamins which means it needs the presence of fat to be absorbed properly. It helps in regulating blood sugar, maintains cholesterol levels and they can also reduce hunger which helps you to lose weight.

Plan your meal and include the above-mentioned ingredients to boost your immunity and fight against the diseases. Building a healthy immune system is not that difficult, its a matter of staying safe and leading a healthy lifestyle.