Krishna's Butterball is a 250-ton rock boulder (large stone) that is 20 feet high and 5 meters wide, stands on a slippery slope of a hill on less than 4 feet base. This amazing miracle is found in a historic place Mahabalipuram also known as Mamallapuram in Tamil Nadu. The position of the rock is so surprising it looks like it can roll down the slope anytime. It looks like a half-circle as a part of the rock is sheared off and nobody knows how this erosion happened. 

Scientific Theory Behind this Ball:

        As we all know whatever we throw up into the sky it will fall down due to the gravitational force. It is a valid statement that "Every object is pulling on every other object in the universe". Some scientist says this rock or ball stands due to the friction and centre of gravity. As the friction prevents the boulder from sliding down whereas the centre of gravity allows it to balance on a small contact area.

How to reach Krishna's Butterball:

        From Chennai Airport you can take a cab it is approximately 55 km and you can reach in one hour(approx.)
        You can take a train to Chengalpattu Railway station and from there you can reach the place either by bus or car in 40 minutes

Why it is called Krishna's Butterball?

        As per Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna's favourite food is butter and it is believed as a myth that this big stone as a giant piece of butter has fallen from heaven. It is also named "Vaan Irai Kal" in Tamil which means "Stone of the Sky God". Many believed that thousand years ago it was placed in its position by the Gods who wanted to prove their powers.

Attempts made to move the Butterball:

        In early 630A.D. - 668A.D. a Pallava King Narasimhavarman who ruled the southern part of India made his first attempt to remove this rock. As it didn't move a little bit it was believed as a 'heavenly rock' and should not be touched by sculptures.

        Latter in 1908 the Governor of Madras Arthur Lawley decided to remove the ball from its position. As he feared for the safety of the town at the base of the hill he tried moving it with seven elephants but surprisingly it did not move an inch.

An Inspiration behind this Butterball:

        A famous mud doll called "Tanjavur Bommai" was made from the inspiration of this rock.

       The Great King Raja Raja Cholan was inspired by the way rock stands on such a small base and did not roll down a slope. This inspired him to make mud dolls made of the half-spherical bottom which never fall down when tilted.

        Anyways Krishna's Butterball is still a mystery. Let it be science or supernatural power this boulder is a tough competitor to gravity.