Here are Some of the Interesting Facts About Android📱

  • The word 'Android' means a human with a male robot appearance.  
  • Android OS powers over 1 billion smartphones and tablets, Since these devices make our lives so sweet each Android version is named after a dessert: Cupcake, Mashmellows, Oreo, Ice cream sandwich, Honeycomb and so on.  
  • Originally the Android OS wasn't designed for the smartphone market; it was actually developed as a Digital Camera platform.

Tips & Tricks to Boost your Mobile Battery Life

    Now a days most of the people in the world are using Android phones for calling, texting, gaming, social networking and much more. The common issue for all is battery, people used to charge the mobile at least twice a day. Here are some of the tips to save your battery which I personally felt it was good and useful.
  • Do not use any Anti-Virus Applications, because it runs at the background often and consumes more battery for clearing the cache, cookies and thumbnails. So I personally do not recommend to use any Anti-Virus App's, it will not help to enhance the battery life.
  • Do not download any application outside the App Store, because it will allow many unwanted cache and cookies in your mobile through browser, So it makes android to malfunction & obviously it will consume more battery.
  • Turn off the unwanted background running application, So that it helps to extend the battery backup time.

  • Whenever you find there is a weak signal in a place its better to turn on the Aeroplane mode, otherwise your mobile will continuously search for the network and consume your battery very fast.

  • When you are in need to use your camera for taking a video it's better to switch over to Aeroplane mode, because Camera will always access to location whenever a photo or video is taken and this will definitely consume your battery.
  • It is better to turn off the Auto-synchronization for Gmail otherwise this will try to synchronize every 20-30 minutes. If you want to synchronize you can do it manually everyday (or) alternative days.     
  • Always keep the Bluetooth turned off, by doing this you are not allowing your mobile to search any Bluetooth devices. This helps to prevent battery consumption.     
  • Avoid keeping Bright wallpapers, especially Live wallpapers in your mobile. It's better to use dark mode in your phone, preferably dark wallpapers usually dark wallpapers will have black pixels and this helps to consume less battery.  

  • Do not charge your mobile immediately after playing a game for long time, don't charge your mobile by keeping it on top of fridge (or) near TV. This will reduce the battery 😟 life span.    
  • Never play games or use any apps while your mobile is charging, this will overheat your mobile  😏 and reduce the battery life.     
  • Re-boot your mobile atleast once a week, this will enhance your battery 😀 optimization.
  • Always charge your mobile when it is around 15% and don't wait till your battery percentage gets Zero (or) less than 5%.   
  • Don't overcharge your mobile battery (i.e.) never put your mobile in charge over night. This will strain your battery 😖 and reduces the life.   
  • If your mobile is available with Fast charging capability, try to charge with normal 5W or 8W charger whenever possible.   
  • Turn-off the Auto-brightness and keep the screen brightness as per your requirement, this will keep the ambient light sensor inactive and hence the the battery will be optimized 😇.
  • Always use the official branded charger adapter and cable which is recommended for your mobile.

  • Do not update your mobile immediatly once the update has come, always check the review and wait for atleast a week and then perform the update so that if there is any bugs in the update it will be resolved.   
  • If possible use Lite version of the App's available which will consume less battery than the normal. For example Facebook lite, Messenger lite, Twitter lite etc.    

  • Always use the mobile screen-lock time within 15-20 seconds, this will avoid keeping your mobile screen ON.   
  • Never use any Battery Saver App's or Battery booster App's, this will always run in background, So that the battery will drain fast 😒.        
     You can use all the above mentioned tips to optimize your mobile battery, Always keep your battery in a better way for long lasting battery life. Normal battery life is 2-3 years during which it can run upto 400-500 battery cycles. Now it is upto you, how you keep you mobile phone battery in good mood. Never strain your battery  or else it will strain your Mobile📱.