Interesting facts about hacking!

  • As per the cybersecurity facts, Hackers steal 75 records every second.
  • Hackers create 300,000 new pieces of malware daily.
  • 15% of UK business lost control over a network to a hacker (this is according to cybersecurity survey in 2018).
  • White hat hackers earned over 19 million dollars in bounties in 2018.

Here are some of the tips on how to secure your phone from hackers

    Hacking is the most common issues faced by all people and this hacking is really a serious problem for us to manage. Nowadays most of the people store their sensitive data on their mobile devices, so it is easy to hack the data from a smartphone because of privacy weakness.
    To ensure your phone is safe and secure as possible, here are several measures to protect your phone from hackers.

Do not leave your phone unattended

    Keep the phone with you all the times, especially when you are in a public place. Do not give your mobile to an unknown person, because many people will carry your mobile phone with you and sometimes any other unknown person will ask for your phone to make a phone call or they might have some reason to ask the phone from you, so before giving your phone to the unknown people just think and make sure that the personal sensitive data is safely hidden in your mobile. This is one of the basic and best tips to follow.

Change your phone's default password

   Most of your phones will be locked with a simple or default password which is very easy to unlock. So always make sure that your password should not be convenient. Always consider keeping a complex password which includes alphabets and numbers too or set a passcode with numbers, but while using passcode don't set your passcode which is easy to find (ie.,) do not keep your date of birth or the dates which is very familiar or known to most the persons around you. By using the strong password or passcode you can remember that even when you miss your phone, the person one who picks its up first will not be able to unlock your phone by entering the passcode. This is also another basic tip to follow.

Manage your Bluetooth security

    Make sure that your Bluetooth security is off when you are not using it. Avoid connecting the unknown or unprotected Bluetooth networks because by connecting the unknown Bluetooth the hackers can easily hack or transfer your personal data's or sensitive information which you have saved in your mobile phone. Nowadays many of the android applications need Bluetooth access, make sure or check your Bluetooth is off when you are not using the applications.

Avoid using public or unsecured WIFI

    Hackers most often target the important locations bank accounts which are used through public WIFI because the public WIFI is unsecured due to relaxed and safety standards or some public WIFI do not have any safety or secured firewall protection. So everyone should stop using free WIFI or public WIFI in shopping centres, cafes, airports, railway stations or in any other public venue.

    Notice your WIFI connection whenever it is possible and make sure that your WIFI connection is off when you are in the public place or consider using VPN app which helps your network communication to be an encrypted one.

Update your phone Operating System and Application

    Many of the software companies are frequently updating the software applications, but that is not only for cosmetic reasons, but it's also mainly to improve the security systems and to fix the bugs that help to guard your smartphone against data breaches and intrusions. When the update is announced for your phone (i.e.,) for your operating system or applications, kindly use it and install it. This is one of the methods to keep your phone safe and secure from hacking.

Do not open spam and phishing emails

    The easiest way for the hackers to invade your phone or access your sensitive information is through your email. Phishing emails are designed to trick you by handing over access to your personal accounts. Kindly do not click on links or promotion emails which is in your inbox. Avoid opening suspicious attachments or running app updates promoted through email. Be secure and avoid logging your bank or financial accounts through emails, instead go directly to the banking or financial website and sign in with your user name and password, so that your financial account will be safe and secure. Avoid opening the spam emails, hackers can easily hack your information while you just open the spam emails, so kindly avoid opening the spam mails. 

    These are some of the measures to protect your phone from hackers. I hope these tips will be helpful to secure your phone.